Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Been a While

Hello all! Well, it's been a while since I have posted on here. My apologies! We have had quite a busy year so far! Anyway, let's get right into what is going on in the world of science...
Let's look into the International Space Station (ISS) flybys. The ISS will be making a pass over our area tomorrow night. At 5:57:55pm-6:00:59pm if y
ou look WSW you should be able to see the ISS fly over. It should reach a max elevation of 56 degrees and will have a magnitude of -3.5. Remember...the lower the number (for magnitude) the brighter the object is. This is kind of opposite thank what you would probably think. If you need more information you can go to the spaceweather website (
Next, let's look at the sun. There have been a few solar storms in the past few weeks. These solar storms have cause little to no damage to us on Earth (one was strong enough to cause some flights to be rerouted) but produced some amazing auroras. Check out some of the pictures below (all from
Check out for more aurora pictures.
Remember, the sun is on an 11 year cycle. There is a solar minimum and a solar maximum. right now, we are climbing towards solar maximum which means that there is much more activity on the sun.
Check out this cool video of the ISS crew flying over and filming the aurora. I found this video at

I found this youtube video of a cool way to fold and tape can make an awesome toy with it! Try it and let me know!!!

Ok, well, let me know some things that you would like to see on here. Send it to me in an e-mail an you might just get a prize!

Keep an eye to the sky!
Ms. T

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