Monday, March 8, 2010

Lots to Update!

Hi all-

There is a lot that need updating since I last posted.
First of all, thanks to the Astronomy members that came to Goddard! We had a great time! If anyone gets a chance, you should definitely go to there. They have a lot of interactive things to do! For more information on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, please visit their website at

OK, let's start with some updates...

First of all, I am sure that by now you have heard of the major (almost 9.0)earthquake in Chile. The main earthquake lasted about 3 minutes, and aftershocks continued for several days. This earthquake was listed as the 7th strongest earthquake ever recorded. Although this earthquake was nearly five hundred times stronger than the recent earthquake in Haiti, there were far less casualties. Even still, we really need to keep the people of Chile in our prayers as they continue to recover from this natural disaster.

Right after sunset, if you look up, you will see Venus. Below is a picture of Venus taken from Italy. The photo was taken from (

The next Space Shuttle mission (STS-131 Space Shuttle Discovery) is slated for April 5, 2010 at 6:21am. We will keep an eye on this mission and flight details as they become available. We will be on break, but I will try to post a video of the launch (or a link to the launch video) on here...better should try to watch it yourself!

Ok, no ISS flybys this week. Check back to to keep an eye on any flybys in your area.

Remember to bring in any newspaper clippings/articles of any science related news! We will talk about it in class!

Have a good week! Good luck to all your sports games this week/weekend. Be sure to root for WVU in the Big East Tournament!

Astronomy Club: we will try to reschedule our star watching party for sometime in March/early April. Our chance of snow is we have to be aware of rain. More details to come. Astronomy Club next week.

Keep an eye to the sky!
Ms. T

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